Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Human species 'may split in two'

But in the nearer future, humans will evolve in 1,000 years into giants between 6ft and 7ft tall, he predicts, while life-spans will have extended to 120 years, Dr Curry claims.

Physical appearance, driven by indicators of health, youth and fertility, will improve, he says, while men will exhibit symmetrical facial features, look athletic, and have squarer jaws, deeper voices and bigger penises.

Women, on the other hand, will develop lighter, smooth, hairless skin, large clear eyes, pert breasts, glossy hair, and even features, he adds. Racial differences will be ironed out by interbreeding, producing a uniform race of coffee-coloured people.
This article has gotten a lot of attention through out the blogosphere.

Two observations:

1) If all this is supposed to occur due to evolution in a thousand years, why has it not already happened? We've been around a lot longer than that already.

2) Most westerners today contracept. The future is much more likely to be populated by people who are willing to have children such as Catholics and Muslims.


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